Join a growing community of Sabbath School members as we dive into the weekly lessons together. The Sabbath School Discuss app offers an interactive space where you can read, review, and discuss the current Sabbath School Quarterly lessons in Kinyarwanda. Whether youre on the go or preparing for Sabbath School, this app makes it easy to stay connected with like-minded members and enrich your understanding of the weekly studies.Sabbath School Discuss allows you to quickly view the Sabbath School quarterly lesson (in Kinyarwanda) and engage in discussions with other members about the current lesson.Don’t come to Sabbath School unprepared. Wherever you are, take a moment to read and share your thoughts about the current Sabbath School lesson with others.Stay informed with the Sabbath School Quarterly lesson materials wherever you are!The Sabbath School Quarterlies are the property of the Seventh-day Adventist Church organization. We share the current lesson for social discussions, review, and cluing purposes.The Sabbath School Discuss app is a self-supported project and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or supported by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We look in together at the current Sabbath School Quarterly lesson for social discussions, reviews, and cluing purposes.Let’s unite for Sabbath School!